How to Plan a Kitchen Renovation 

A kitchen renovation can be one of the most exciting periods of your life, but we also understand it can be one of the most disruptive. While it's true that renovating your kitchen can be stressful, we have developed 6 tips to help make it as stress-free as possible. You might want to first consider, is a kitchen renovation worth it?

To plan a kitchen renovation, you should:

  1. Plan in advance

  2. Research and choose the right design company

  3. Prepare a temporary kitchen

  4. Understand the project schedule

  5. Expect the unexpected and have contingency plans

  6. Keep an open line of communication

Bespoke kitchen
  1. Plan In Advance 

A typical kitchen renovation takes at least a few months, from the first design consultation to the final inspection. This means that you may want to start thinking about it at least six months or even a year in advance. Lay out your upcoming schedule, and decide the best time to begin the project. 

Are you planning a holiday? Will your kids be on a school break and hanging around the house all day? Do you have a big event you are hosting later this year? All of these things can add stress to your life, so we recommend scheduling your kitchen remodel at a time when you have the most free-time and flexibility. 

2. Research and Choose The Right Design Company 

Choosing the right design company is an important decision. All homeowners should spend a fair amount of time researching different companies, comparing their portfolios, their quotes and testimonials. 

You may choose to find companies via Google, then use Google My Business or Yelp to check their online reputation. You can also ask neighbours, friends, family or colleagues for recommendations. They will probably know someone locally who recently had their kitchen renovated. Quality kitchen designers tend to do several jobs in a neighbourhood as word spreads about the quality of their work.

3. Prepare A Temporary Kitchen

Think about a space in your house where you can set up a temporary kitchen. For example, you may use the laundry room if there is already a sink. Be prepared that you may be using the temporary kitchen for longer than you think, and plan meals accordingly, so that you don’t grow frustrated. It’s easy to think you’ll make do and that takeaways will suffice. However, a kitchen renovation takes a lot of planning and doesn’t always go to schedule. It’s essential to have a temporary kitchen with a few appliances so that you can make some basic meals. 

4. Understand The Project Schedule

You’ll need to set a schedule to ensure you don’t lose track of the project. Ask important questions like: How long will the renovation take? What can overlap? When will items arrive? A quality kitchen supplier and fitter should work in a way that makes you feel at ease. Ideally they’ll be under the same company. But if they are separate, it's even more imperative that your project schedule is thorough. The project schedule should be created so that anyone that reads it can get a grasp. You might want to ask questions if you’re presented with one that seems all too complicated. Everyone involved should be able to understand it.  

5. Expect The Unexpected And Have Contingency Plans

There will be hiccups that you can’t anticipate, so be prepared for little things that drag on for a little longer than you expected. Sometimes there are supply chain issues. Sometimes builders get sick or your current kitchen may prove difficult to remove. If you have a plan in place with a degree of flexibility, it will help you feel less anxious and more able to handle the unexpected. After all, its your home that is being dealt with here. It’s very understandable that you may feel sensitive about the project. But so long as you’ve done your planning with contingency, you should be able to relax and look forward to your new kitchen

Planning a kitchen

6. Keep An Open Line of Communication.

Don't be afraid to ask your designers any questions that you may have at the beginning. It is also important to be clear about what your needs and expectations are, and highlight any issues that you may have. A quality team will prioritise your thoughts and feelings. Professionals are familiar with the run of the mill questions; Mainly because they know how to answer them! If something is bugging you or you have a question that you feel like you need to ask, just ask. Customer service is a high priority for all good businesses. Do let them get on with their job though. If you’ve hired them to do a job, let them do it. A cup of tea and a chat is likely the best way to keep open communication and will help to prevent any costly misunderstandings during the renovation. 

After 15 years of working for national KBB companies, Cwtch Haus was established by Martin Jones in 2018, with a mission to deliver top quality products and bespoke kitchen, bathroom and bedroom design at an affordable price point.

Cwtch Haus dedicates time and attention to understand our customers’ lifestyles and habits to create a space that is perfectly tailored to their needs. We work to ensure that your space is not only beautiful, but practical for your everyday use.

Get in touch for your free consultation and design from one of our experts

Written by Kate, on behalf of Cwtch Haus


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